‘An Analysis of the Environmental Attitudes of Undergraduate Construction Management Students using the New Ecological Paradigm Scale’
New paper by Jan Gottsche from the ATU Build360 research group, see https://arrow.tudublin.ie/ijap/vol11/iss2/7
New paper by Jan Gottsche from the ATU Build360 research group, see https://arrow.tudublin.ie/ijap/vol11/iss2/7
I was delighted to represent the ATU Build360 research group at the IGBC facilitated workshop in Limerick today. The CircularBuild project is a collaboration between the IGBC, ATU, TU Dublin, and the University of Galway. The aim is to co-design and develop a national roadmap for a circular built environment in close collaboration with industry.
Dr. John Scahill and Philippa King from the Build360 group will be participating in the Circularity in the Built Environment Deep Dive, 31 May 9.00-12.30, see https://www.dublincirculareconomyhotspot.com/event