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The CBCI-project

The European-funded Circular Biobased Construction Industry (CBCI) project investigates how we can use raw materials in construction more efficiently, thereby reducing CO2 emissions. Not only in the construction phase, but throughout the entire life cycle of a building. For the transition to a circular economy, an integral approach to circular and biobased construction has been

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Pop-Machina is a Horizon 2020 project that seeks to highlight and reinforce the links between the maker movement and circular economy in order to promote environmental sustainability and generate socio-economic benefits in European cities, see link

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The MOBile and Innovative Circularity for CONstruction PROducts (MOBICCON-PRO) project will develop, introduce and demonstrate integrated innovative circular solutions to recover resources from construction and demolition waste (CDW) and decrease consumption of raw construction materials by applying in-situ selective separation/demolition, novel CDW recycling and production of recycled and innovative construction materials, components and products, see

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