‘An Analysis of the Environmental Attitudes of Undergraduate Construction Management Students using the New Ecological Paradigm Scale’
New paper by Jan Gottsche from the ATU Build360 research group, see https://arrow.tudublin.ie/ijap/vol11/iss2/7
Academic institutions have a key role to play in providing leadership and support for the built environment sector through educational provision and applied research. This section provides resources for educators who wish to upskill and embed circular economy principles across the curriculum.
New paper by Jan Gottsche from the ATU Build360 research group, see https://arrow.tudublin.ie/ijap/vol11/iss2/7
I was delighted to represent the ATU Build360 research group at the IGBC facilitated workshop in Limerick today. The CircularBuild project is a collaboration between the IGBC, ATU, TU Dublin, and the University of Galway. The aim is to co-design and develop a national roadmap for a circular built environment in close collaboration with industry.
We are looking forward to the IGBC-led workshop on developing a Circular Built Environment Roadmap in collaboration with Atlantic Technological University, University of Galway, and TU Dublin this Friday in Limerick. This is the third workshop in the series to gather feedback and input from industry. See https://www.igbc.ie/events/national-circular-economy-roadmap-workshop-in-limerick/
We were delighted to have Ronny Rantamäki from the Helsinki Cluster Programme for a Circular Economy contribute to our workshop earlier today. Ronny gave a fantastic presentation on the Testbed Helsinki initiative, see https://testbed.hel.fi/en/circular-economy/
This publication from the CityLoops project provides an overview of an interesting tool developed by the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences that tracks construction and demolition waste during the actual demolition process.
This report published by the Circular Buildings Coalition examines how to overcome market, finance and ownership challenges.
This handbook published by eit Climate-KIC in July 2022 shares lessons learned across several European countries based on exploring opportunities related to bio-based, circular and carbon-neutral construction.
Wonderful resource focusing on material circularity, see https://circularmateriallibrary.org/
This 2023 paper published by Friant et al. (2023) analyzes and compares the circular economy policies and discourses in different European cities to draw critical insights and recommendations.
This 2018 report published by the European Commission evaluated the current state-of-play to ensure a coherent and effective approach in the future.
This 2023 Whitepaper by Eunomia explores an EU Regulatory Framework for a Circular Economy consistent with 1.5 degrees. A recast of the framework as a Resources Framework Directive is recommended to guide the continued reduction in material consumption across the EU economy in a way that most effectively and efficiently delivers decarbonization, as well as
This report contains lessons learned from more than 30 circular procurement pilot projects and other activities performed within the Interreg NSR project ProCirc (2018- 2023). The report has been developed by Bax and Company based on an analysis of pilot case studies and interviews with piloting organizations conducted during 2021-2022.